Five MSOs in West Bengal Slapped With Directions from Trai The five MSOs which have been directed by Trai to adhere to the rules include Multi Reach Media, Digicablecomm Services, GTPL Kolkata Cable & Broadband Pariseva, Barasat Cable TV Network, and Bhorer Alo Cable & Broadband to comply with the new regulatory framework. The regulator has also asked these MSOs to report compliance within five days. The regulator said that when it received compliance report from the representatives of these MSOs during a meeting in the regional office of Trai in Kolkata, it found many inconsistencies and issues in the said reports and also on the operators’ websites. Trai even pointed out the details of the issues which it observed. For example, in the case of Multi Reach Media, the operator is not providing a ‘subscriber corner’ on its website. Trai also noted that the call centre of the operator does not support IVRS. Some other issues which Trai noted included no customer care programming service and missing STB schemes on website. The MSO was also found to be forcefully providing a bouquet of free to air (FTA) channels to the subscribers with no choice of opting out. Major Issues: No Support for IVRS, Missing Subscriber Corner on Website Trai observed similar issues with Digicablecomm Services as the MSO was found to be not providing a subscriber corner on its website and the call-centre of the provider also did not support IVRS. The customer care programming was also missing, and subscribers were not able to choose any channel of their choice in BST. GTPL Kolkata Cable & Broadband Pariseva were also missing subscriber corner facility on their website, and their call centre also did not support IVRS. The operator also hadn’t published STB schemes on its website. In case of Barasat Cable TV Network, the Trai found issues with toll-free customer care number going unanswered, no subscriber corner facility and no IVRS support in the call centre. Bhorer Alo Cable & Broadband was found to be having the same issues of missing STB schemes on the website, no subscriber corner and lacking IVRS support in the call centre