On Tuesday, Utimaco, a leading global provider of cybersecurity and compliance solutions, announced the acquisition of Celltick. Celltick is known for providing Mass Notification Systems (MNS) and Public Warning Systems (PWS). Celltick is also known for being the world’s largest CBC (Cell Broadcast Center) provider. With this acquisition, Utimaco will be able to leverage its local presence in Mumbai to introduce its PWS in India. To do this, Utimaco will look to partner with the Indian telcos and state governments to broadcast alerts and safety messages in real time to the mobile phones of the subscribers. Getting messages in real-time is very important for users in situations such as natural disasters, health crises, military conflicts, gas leaks, lightning strikes and more. India has over a billion telecom subscribers. An efficient implementation of broadcast PWS systems through phones can significantly improve disaster management practices and also safeguard human lives during natural and man-made disasters, said a release from Utimaco. Utimaco has a strong international network in the telecom, govt, and enterprise sectors. The acquisition of Celltick and getting access to its expertise in technology will enable the company to be a market leader with great offerings for customers in the Indian telecom sector and state governments. MAGEN (Mass Alert Geo Emergency Notification), a solution provided by Celltick, is currently the globally leading cell broadcasting solution for PWS and is already deployed in many countries around the globe. It has been adopted by over 70 telecom operators worldwide and was also deployed by the Govt of Ukraine for helping with protecting the civilian population in the war between Ukraine and Russia. Currently, the company is in the advanced stages of partnership with state governments in India.